jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Happy Guys Finish Last

Jessica L. Tracy and Alec T. Beall from the Psychology department at the University of British Columbia recently published a study called "Happy Guys Finish Last: The Impact of Emotion Expressions on Sexual Attraction", they did not only achieved international success within the scientific community, but they also had media impact internationally (I read that in an Austrian news-website)

Tracy and Beall suggest that "Showing a happy face is considered essential to any
friendly social interaction, including those involving sexual attraction
" but this
applies only for women! The study states that "women may find male pride displays
more attractive than male happiness

Now my story:

Between 2008 and 2009 I was not very lucky with women, let me quote again (but this
time myself), "I will try emotional chastity". Reasons for this? During my stay in Nicaragua (and the 18 months prior to that) I was not happy with my non-existing emotional life.

What went wrong with the ladies? During that period, I was not always happy, or at
least I did not look happy. So, I assume that my face and body expressed more
seriousness, even sadness.

So: during 2008 and 2009, I did not laugh much, but women did not find me attractive!

Ms tracy and Mr Beall, I can prove you wrong!

a) I was a serious man (almost an emo) for two years
b) there we no women queuing to meet me during this period
c) I am dating a girl
d) I am permanently smiling

Thesis by Tracy and Beall: "Happy Guys Finish Last"

Thesis by me: I am a happy guy who will finish last

Synthesis: Happy guys don't care if they finish first...or last

P.S. Here is the link to the study of Tracy and Beall

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

Peculiar coins

There are three famous personalities I really hate. I am sure that the world would have been a better place if they would have never been born.

Curiously they all worked for the same organisation. The first of this monsters is josémaría escrivá. He founded the opus gay, better known as the opus dei. No one on earth thinks more often in sex than them. Just imagine that many of the opus gay members cover their bodies while taking a shower, because if they see themselves naked they may think of sex - and that is a sin for them! Here is my favourite one: If you think of something dirty (like a mom breast-feeding her baby), you will have to flagellate yourself and pray at the same time. Once, an opus gay member told my brother "I flagellate myself while praying, it hurts, but after some time I started liking it. FREAKS!!!

The other guy I hate is marcial masiel. He was a very good friend of karol wojtila (he is the next in my list). This priest was the best manager that the catholic church has seen (cerated an imperium of 650 million USD). That is probably why the vatican under Karol Wojtila never said anything to him when they discovered what "father masiel" was doing: He sexually abused of many children and teenagers...including his own children. SICK!!!

And the most famous celebrity I hate: karol wojtila a.k.a. as Pope Johannes Paulus the second. He did nothing, absolutely nothing to stop the bastards I mentioned above, and he knew them personally. ASSHOLE!!!

The worst of all: Two of these animals have achieved the first step in becoming
saints according to the catholic church...IDIOTS!!!

Last week I went to a bar, when I paid I received a 50 Cent coin, and as usual,
I inspected the coin to see it's country of origin. It was a nice surprise to discover that the coin was from the vatican city. Since they are not frecuent, they have a high numismatic value. My karol wojtila 50 cent coin is 6 Euros worth. Nice to have that bastard on my coin!!!

P.S. If I hurted your feelings by expressing the way I did in this entry, sorry but your religion has sick and crazy leaders...

P.S. 2 I don't like the catholic church, but I love their coins!!!

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

a smart accident

19 months ago I started to write this blog. Common themes have been food, childhood, prosecco, family and friends. However, there is something I haven't written about yet: fear

Last Saturday, I had a wonderful afternoon. Hannes, his parents, Roland and Magdalena, Lindsey, Andrea and I made a nice picnic in the garden. We had prosecco, roasted almonds, crostini with green olive paste, wasabi-gouda and strawberries. After that, we had dinner with the Quantschnigs (Roland and Magdalena invited us). After dinning, we walked to one of Innsbruck's most beautiful squares and had a drink there. Hannes’ parents left and then we headed to a bar and stayed there until half past one.

On our way home, Andrea was riding her bike in front of me when all of a sudden she was hit by a car. She didn’t see the car coming from her left side…Andre was very lucky because the driver reacted promptly (and that the car was a smart). However, as a consequence of the impact, she lost consciousness for about twenty seconds.

Many people helped after the accident. A guy stopped the cars, another called the paramedics (who arrived 4-5 minutes later) and a man gave her his jacket (she seemed cold, since her body was shaking, probably because of the contusion). I did the best I could, I carefully moved her head to allow easy breathing, put my jacket over her, verified if she could move her legs and then raised her knees to keep the blood on her chest, and talked to her all the time in order to calm her.

All this time I remained serene. We drove to the hospital, talked to the doctors, answered the policemen's questions (we both had an alcohol test, which was negative in both cases), I had to explain Andrea repeatedly what happened. After taking x-rays and an ultrasound test, the hospital personnel took her to another floor where she spent the night. I had to leave the hospital.

Only then my fear started.

I took a cab in order not to see people; the taxi-driver drove through the accident's site, which did not help at all. When I was in bed I started crying. I was so afraid because I was no longer with her, holding her hand. I was extremely worried that something could happen to her during the night. I can't remember crying so strong ever. I cried so hard and for so long that I was completely exhausted, that helped me to sleep well.

The next morning, Andrea woke me up with a text message; she was doing way much better. I went to the hospital without any fear and only then I realised that during the night I let out the fear caused by the shock of seeing the accident. My body and mind were restored.

Andrea broke no bones and was released from the hospital on Tuesday noon. She is doing very well; today she told me she quit taking the painkillers...respect!!!

I am including a picture of her so you can see that she is doing well :)