miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013

Boston, the consulting group and Oscar - part I

NOTE I: As announced on my last blog, this entry will be long. To have a clear idea of the whole story, at least two entries will be necessary.
NOTE II: This series of entries will only explain the items that appear on the title. 

Between 2009 and 2010 I lived in Nicaragua to collect data for a research study. While in Nicaragua, my social isolation led me to start writing this blog. Three years later, I took a sabbatical leave to continue writing my thesis. This leave is about to end, my thesis is not finalized, but that is another story…
The original idea I had for my thesis evolved and now, it focuses on the obligation of the State in supporting the wellbeing of its citizen, and if anyone wants to talk about wellbeing this years, one has to talk about the financial crisis, and so did I.
In the introduction, my thesis deals with the global crisis and it quotes a report by the US government which lists the crimes and mistakes committed by banks and that eventually lead to the financial crisis. The Bank of America is one of these banks. 

The first time I got acquainted with Boston was in 1988 when my uncle Manuel was invited by the firm he worked for to spend a year at the headquarters there, so my cousins, my uncle and my aunt Lola moved there. 

Now, the coincidence arises: My oldest cousin, the son of Manuel and Lola, moved back to Boston some years ago, and now, he works for the Bank of America.

This entry is now long enough, the story will continue in the next one.

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

"Im Westen nichts Neues“ means „ All quiet in the West front“

This title comes from a German book I intend to read in the coming months. I fancy the title and apparently the content might be quite interesting as well; it is about the physical and mental stress of soldiers during World War I.

In the last weeks I have been doing well all in all. Most people would think this is an optimal status, but it is sad for me and for the sake of my blog…actually, as I write this lines, I am slowly realising I am a life masochist. I kind of enjoy suffering and also finding the funny side in my accidents, weird situations and heartbreaks.

But not everything is lost (I never thought I would quote Coldplay in my blog), there is a hidden secret I will reveal in the next two entries (I feel like Peter Jackson announcing two films at once).

Dear reader, think of this entry as a signal saying "I am blogwise boring as a pair of old socks", but also as a sort of press conference announcing that even though all is quiet in the west front (Baja California is the West in this analogy), I will write news of myself facing the worst physical and mental stress...oh yes...there will be blood*

Please wish me bad luck, truly yours,


*if you are not a film nerd, “there will be blood” is the title of Paul Thomas Anderson´s fifth movie