martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

When two independent things, leading to the same object, occur at the same time we have to pay extreme attention!

I always have admired those journalists who write about a subject and find parallels between that subject and something apparently having nothing to do with it. Sometimes it is an artist or an historic event. Commonly, in those articles, everything seems so irrelevant, but if you keep reading, the article perfectly mixes subjects which turn into a perfectly logic article.

When I finish reading articles, I wish I could be as wise and as clever as those guys.

Right now, I am about to write a similar article…and I am neither wise nor clever, and I did not studied journalism, and did no research at all. I will just write what happened today.

It all started when I read an article in a Mexican online newspaper about Thomas Bernhard. It said he would be turning 80 years old tomorrow if he would be alive. Thomas Bernhard is one of Austria’s most important novelists of the last century. The article also mentioned that the director of the Thomas Bernhard Institute is called Martin Huber.

Immediately I sent Hannes an E-Mail with the newspaper link because Hannes parents live in the same neighbourhood were the writer lived…and he told me yesterday he finished reading a book by Bernhard.

After some minutes, I wrote Hannes once more to tell him a nice coincidence: A common friend of us is called Martin Huber, and Martin told me last summer it would be cool to move to Ohlsdorf, Hannes’ hometown, because he is a fan of Bernhard’s literature and wanted to live near the writer’s house. What Martin surely doesn’t know is that he shares the same name and last name with the Thomas Bernhard Institute’s director.

Half an hour later, I sent Hannes another e-mail with more coincidences: Thomas Bernhard was born on February 9th, just as my cousin Karla. Karla currently lives in Madrid and Thomas Bernhard also lived there…and Karla was two years ago in Ohlsdorf.

An hour after that, I forgot about the coincidences issue and checked the e-mail account of Los Gurkos, our cultural association. There, I saw an e-mail for Hannes, it was sent by one of Austria’s most known DJs: B.Fleischmann. Fleischmann wrote that e-mail to Hannes and sent a copy to the director of Morr Music, an important indie and electronic record label based in Berlin’s. An hour after B. Fleischmann’s e-mail, Thomas Morr, the owner of Morr music replied to Hannes.

It took me a while to put all the pieces together…then, as fast as I could, wrote Hannes an e-mail saying the following:


We have been communicating the entire day via e-mail regarding coincidences around Thomas Bernhard, and now the cycle has been closed.

Today, you received two e-mails on the los gurkos account, one from B. Fleischmann, whose real name is Bernhard Fleischmann and the second E-Mail was by Thomas Morr, if you put both first names together you get Thomas Bernhard

On the last episode I saw from Twin Peaks, Agent Cooper said something like “When two independent things, leading to the same object, occur at the same time we have to pay extreme attention”.

Today’s coincidences were bay far more than two, that is why I am rigorously following Agent Cooper’s advice.

2 comentarios:

  1. Jeje!
    Me encanta el agente Cooper...
    Qué curioso. Es probable que la misma semana en la que escribiste esta entrada en tu blog, yo empecé a leer a Bernhard por primera vez, "Der Untergeher", en español por supuesto (El malogrado).
    Si, pongamos mucha atención.

  2. :-) Hannes también leyó "der Untergeher"...tu novio es pianista, no?
