domingo, 15 de marzo de 2015

I have written 120 blog entries since December 2009...and I think this the first time I do it completely sober.

I just realized I have written 120 blog entries since December 2009, and in these 4 years, I think this the first time I do it completely sober.

My sad experiences, my biggest fears, the moments of infinite boredness, the incredible lonely weekends, failed trips, weird meals, pitiful moments...they all have benefited from the Gin and Tonics, Prosecco, Nicaraguan rums, Chardonnays, Georgian Saperavis, GrĂ¼ner Veltliners...

I still remember writing a very nice sentence in a blog regarding a very young flatmate I had “we are not alcoholics, we are just in our thirties”. Well all this is just to tell you that I have not been drunk in three and a half weeks. It is not that I don´t want to (I would love to!), but at the moment my body doesn't. I have some theories for this:

Theory No. 1: Hannes has suggested I have no appetite for mojitos because I am sick. And according to him, I am sick because I haven´t been consuming enough vitamin C. Here is the twisted thing: My main source of vitamin C for the last months have been mojitos. I counted the limes I was consuming per week inside those delicious and fizzy cocktails and I got a number that is too silly to mention.

Theory No 2: (This is the one I don´t like) I am getting old.  It is hard to accepts, but I am on the second half of  my thirties (note how I avoid writing that number which is conformed by four decades), my beard includes white hairs (I thought they were “dark blond” hairs, which turned to be false), and I have a business to run...

Theory No 3: (This is related to the last theory) My body is getting tired of passive smoking. This is surely linked to the fact that Austria law - one of the few in Europe - allows smoking in bars, something that doesn´t even happens in Mexico or many other Latin American countries.

Maybe it is all of them together: I am getting old, I need more vitamins and smoke bothers me. Oh shit! Have I recently mutated into a grumpy person who doesn´t drink, hates smoke and has to take pills? Is that a definition of an old man?

In order counteract those symptoms, I want to do something I used to do when I was 17: Everytime my mom caught me drunk I was grounded for at least two weeks. That awarded me the nickname “germes claustro” in high-school (claustro -in reference to my second name “castro” - means monastery). I will do something to keep my young at heart: Back then in Chihuahua the first thing I did after not going out for two or three weekends was to go out and get drunk (something that earned me another grounded period), now, the first thing I want to do when I feel healthy again will be to ruin my liver while supporting my immune system with vitamin C, because hell yeah, next time I go out, I am getting drunk on mojitos and this time, my mom won´t ground me.

...but first I have to get better by keeping out of smoke, going early to bed and taking my pills.

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