miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013

Relax while your estrogen-excess slowly fades away

In the early 2000's many of my female friends were crazy about Bridget Jones. They read the bestselling book and saw the movie several times. I like the movie because after it, Colin Firth became the recognition he deserved and filmed a single man.

Back to Bridget: In Germany, an idiot from an editorial house translated the “Bridget Jones's Diary” as “Schokolade zum frühstück”, which literally means “Chocolate for breakfast”. I wonder if that translator got another job after that felony...

Back to the book: A friend of mine detested the book because it was a compilation of clichés of women in their 30's. The fear of never marrying, the eternal quest for loosing weight...

Abut now, 12 years after the movie was premiered, Oscar Germes, 34 years old, tell you: These clichés are real, and the also apply to men.

It all started some days ago, on a late Saturday night. Matteo (my flat mate) was working in the living room and I was streaming bored to death when I went to the kitchen to get something. I had nothing specific on my mind, I just knew I wanted to eat something.

On my way to the kitchen I saw Matteo and asked him how he was doing, he answered “Sad, Oscar, I am sad”

...then, out of the blue it appeared to me. Clear as water. I knew exactly what I was looking for! Bridget Jones in German. I wanted chocolate.

I asked Matteo if he wanted some pudding. Within milliseconds he was standing in the kitchen with a smile on his face saying “Yes, chocolate pudding is exactly what I need”.

Here the recipe:
  • 2 cups of milk (skimmed if you are facing problems like mine or like Bridget's)
  • 3 full spoons of cocoa
  • 3 spoons of maizena (or other brand of corn starch)
  • 2 full spoons of sugar (or 1 ½ of agave sirup)
  • a pinch of salt
  • seeds of 1 cardamom piece (if you don't have cardamom, use 3 pinches of cinnamon and 1-2 pinch of chili)
Put all ingredients but the spices (Cardamom OR cinnamon and chili) on a saucepan, set at medium temperature, whisk until it cooks. It is hard, but it pays: don't stop whisking.

As soon as the mixture boils, it will turn into pudding. Take the saucepan immediately out of the cooking plate. Add the spices, stir and serve while hot. Top with thin banana slices, berry marmealde or tangerine pieces.

Sit on a couch, eat the pudding and enjoy while your estrogen-excess slowly fades away...

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