viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

When I was 17, I was the un-coolest guy in the whole universe

One of the things you should now before reading this blog, is that my mother drinks no alcohol...really, no alcohol at all.I

In the summer of 1996, just before I traveled to Austria. I had a situation with my mother: I was cruising with my friends on my mom's car until 11 o'clock, even though I had only permission until 10:30 p.m.

At some point I called my mother to tell her I was going to be late, but she wouldn't listen. She was more than mad. She yelled at me screaming I should drive home immediately, and so did I. Then she drove my friends to back to the party we were before.

If you are a teenager driving a car with your friends and suddenly your mom steps in the car and drives all of your friends back to a party, then you are the un-coolest guy in Chihuahua, no! You are the un-coolest guy in the whole universe...

I am 34 years old. I have lots of gray hair. I left home 16 years ago and I am economically independent since 2005.

My mom called me today, but I was at a concert, so I texted her back and wrote the following “Sorry mom, I am at a concert and couldn’t hear the phone ringing. How are you? What are your plans tonight?”

I still cannot understand why I asked that. First, my mom drinks no alcohol, second, I don't talk ofter with my mom about her night life.

She surprisingly answered this “Hi! I will go for a walk and then I am meeting your aunt Ana and we are going for a drink”

Back in 1996, asking my mother about her social life was a “no go”, but now it is so weird it is almost cool. Is being un-cool, kind of cool now?

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