domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

Today is a nice Sunday :-)

It’s been three months since I’ve been in Mexico, nevertheless, today is a good day for writing about my family. For those of you who are not Mexican, or don’t know any Mexican, let me tell you that for us, our family consists of mother and father, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles (including the in-laws), grandparents, and sometimes even good family friends are considered family, that is the case of my cousin Mario, with him I don’t share any close DNA-tracks, but still, he is my cousin.

I made a filckr album; there you will see Allison, my brother’s wonderful girlfriend. She is from Hawaii; they met in Chile and have lived together in two different Mexican cities and also in Innsbruck. Allison is the first girl in the photo album (showing us her christmas present: a bracelet).

Among those pics, you will also see Víctor. He is my sister’s husband. According to her, he is the most wonderful man on earth; my sister is incredible intelligent, so if she says that it is true. You can recognise him because he is the guy reading the label of a red wine bottle.

You will see also pics from my cousins and their partners. The children are from my cousins Liliana and Larisa, their last names are “Aragón Castro”, I am a “Germes Castro”, our second last name reveals that our mothers are sisters.

There is a wonderful picture of my mother and Anna, Anna is for me (together wit Luisa) the most beautiful child in the world.

There is one weird picture you may ask yourself “What the hell?” when you see it. It is Albino and me holding firecrackers with our mouths. Albino is for me the funniest Spaniard (together with Javier Cámara, but he is an actor). Albino is the proud husband of my cousin and childhood-sidekick Karla.

The last picture is of the two people I love the most in this planet (not counting my mom). They are Tita, my wonderful sister, and Tomás, my funny brother.

I hope you like the pics and thank you for reading this personal message to my beloved family…if you are one of the people in the photos let me tell you that I miss you.

And if you click here, you can see the album

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